Friday, 16 December 2011

FRESHERS Billboard Draft

This is my first rough draft of my billboard, the reason I chose this style of multicoloured strips was from looking at a Glee (shown above). After getting some audience feedback on this billboard I decided I needed to change the size of the banner to conform with the E4 style guide as it is to big and in slightly the wrong position.

because me and Josh palmer did out magazine cover and Billboard together we recieved audiance feed back from an email off sheena below.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

The Making of Freshers

The making of Freshers
Shadia Made a quick presentation to shoe the probs we used which were made out to be 'Drugs' were infact Tablets
View more presentations from shadiamokdad

My Demographic - FRESHERS.

This is my mood board for my soap FRESHERS. I believe the products I have chosen all relate to my primary target audience which is 16-20 year olds.
Alot of the things on the mood board are used/Worn buy the audiance we have choosen to base our trailor on.
The soaps we have based our soap on have a similar target audiance such as Misfits and Skins

Preliminary Soap Trailer Task

Preliminary Soap Trailer Task
PLANNING: Freshers
Monica made a presentation to show the planning all the group did leading up to making the trailer
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Final Magazine Cover

Rough Cut of Magazine

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


On this rough cut there are a lot of things that Me and Josh changed for our final Trailer. The music used throughout the Rough cut isn't on time with the transactions, So we took out some of the clips and tweaked the length of some of the remaining ones to make it a lot more professional. In our Final Trailer we added Title cards which makes the viewer understand what's going on a bit more. The Ending Title card with the E4 logo was to long, Almost 7 Seconds in the final Cut we have changed that to 3 Seconds due to it being that length on an E4 Trailer I found on Youtube